Learning & Resources

About EMSA

The 24 Modules of EMSA

Introducing EMSA

How to Guides

Instruction Guide - Videos

EMSA Video Guide - Floristics

EMSA Video Guide - Floristics - Generating voucher barcodes in MERIT

More video guides coming soon....

Instruction Guide - Documents

Using the EMSA Monitor App

Video guides for getting started in Monitor


Request scale cards

Please complete the form below to request EMSA Scale Cards be posted to you. These free-of-charge, business-sized cards are useful for including in photos.  

As it appears in MERIT.

Thank you for your EMSA equipment request

The EMSA Support Team will be in contact regarding your request

Request DGPS Loan Unit

Register your interest in loaning a DGPS - Trimble R1 (comes supplied with required subscription service). Note the device is supplied by TERN, free-of-charge, but does require an agreement to be completed.

Example: "By signing this form, I understand all equipment loans are provided in their current condition. I understand how to use the proposed equipment and agree to use it for its intended purpose only. I will keep equipment in reasonable condition (ordinary wear and tear is accepted) and am responsible for replacement costs if equipment is lost, damaged, destroyed or stolen or if the equipment is not returned in a reasonable state. I agree to return item(s) by the return date listed, unless otherwise arranged".

Register your interest in reserving a loan device, and the EMSA team at TERN will be in touch to confirm availability and to request a completed Equipment Loan Form

As it appears in MERIT

Thank you for your EMSA equipment request

The EMSA Support Team will be in contact.

Requst Basal Wedges

Please complete the form below to request EMSA Basal Wedges be posted to you. These free-of-charge, and necessary to complete the Basal wedge protocol of the Basal Area Module. 

As it appears in MERIT

Thank you for your EMSA equipment request

The EMSA Team will be in contact.

Download instructions

EMSA Densitometer mount and staff assembly instructions, v1, released 12 December 2024